ArchiSnapper l Sharepoint integration

With this integration, it is possible to import your documents and floor plans from Sharepoint into ArchiSnapper and to export your AchiSnapper reports and pictures back to Sharepoint.

1 - Establish a connection between your ArchiSnapper and Sharepoint account

You can do this from here in your ArchiSnapper account.


When the connection is established you will get the following page:


2 - Link projects

Next, we need to link any project in ArchiSnapper to its equivalent in Sharepoint, via 'edit project':


then go to 'Sharepoint folder':


Click on the 'Sharepoint folder' search bar, start typing, select the corresponding Sharepoint folder for that project, and save.

From now on, all your ArchiSnapper site reports and project photos for this project will automatically get exported to a subfolder "FromArchiSnapper" within the linked project folder in your Sharepoint account.

This subfolder "FromArchiSnapper" will be created automatically.


Furthermore, you can easily import documents and floor plans into ArchiSnapper, from Sharepoint.

For this, you need to manually create a folder with the name 'ToArchiSnapper' within the project Sharepoint folder.

All PDF documents you'll put in that folder will automatically get uploaded to "docs and plans" of that specific project in ArchiSnapper.

Questions? [email protected]