JUMP TOGetting startedHow to create a simple Field Report with ArchiSnapperHow to manage a TO DO list of observationsDifference between field reports and TO DO listsAdd project with contactsManage observations categoriesWorking with multiple users in one ArchiSnapper accountMore featuresHow to edit, view, sign off, or send a field report from the ArchiSnapper AppAdd issues on drawingsSections on project levelImport contacts from Outlook (or Hotmail), Gmail, or YahooHow to locate observations on PDF plansHow to annotate on PDF plansHow to share observations with non-ArchiSnapper usersWorking with checklistsHow to clone your previous field report with ArchiSnapperMerge field reports (and force renumbering)How to add photos into field reports: from camera, from the library, or onlineSign off field reports or punch lists from the ArchiSnapper AppVoice to text with ArchiSnapperUse ArchiSnapper to collaborate with assigned contactsExcel import for projects and contactsMove a field report to another projectHow to create punch lists with ArchiSnapper using the checklist functionalityHow to create daily reports with ArchiSnapper - using the checklist functionalityHow to create safety inspection reports with ArchiSnapper - using the checklist functionalityDistribute one specific observation from the AppHow to restore delete projects, field reports and TO DO itemsTake photos on project level with the App, and import them in your field reports or punch lists onlineChecklist and Report StatisticsExport your field reports and site pictures to Dropbox or Google DriveManage and request documents to receive from other partiesSend assignees weekly emails with open itemsHow to include an image as standard remark in a checklistHow to send every contractor their own itemsDisplay projects on a mapSite visit scheduling (with display on map)How to track the number of required reports created per projectAdd observations from the PDF planTag your observationsTag your documentsExport your ArchiSnapper data to ExcelEmail project contacts and keep track of sent emailsExcel import for checklistsAutomatically capture weather dataSending a field report or punch listArchiSnapper l Sharepoint integrationHow to export and reimport an existing checklist in your online accountAutomatically assign observations to contactsOverview of assigned items per contactReport layoutManage report layout - basicsWorking with free text blocksSend out field reports to your contactsHow observation numbering works with ArchiSnapperHow it works videosQuick video: how to create a simple field report with the ArchiSnapper AppArchiSnapper l Webinar recordingHow to clone a previous field reportAPIGetting startedRetrieving your projectsgetProject summary (all existing ID's)getRetrieving reportsgetGet an observation detailsgetCreating a projectpostUpdating a projectputArchiving a projectputGive user access to projectsputRevoke user access from projectsputRetrieving all contacts + detailsgetRetrieving all contact ID'sgetCreating a contactpostUpdate a contactputUpdate contact role for a projectputLink contact to projectspostLink contact to projects (alternative)Change contact visibilityCreating a document for a projectpostUpdate a documentputCreating a doc for a projectpostDelete a doc from a projectdeleteRetrieving your reports and observationsRemoving a projectdeleteRemoving a contactdeleteUser access per projectputCreate a checklistpostUpdate checklist nameputGet checklistsgetDelete a checklistdeleteCreate a checklist categorypostEdit a checklist categoryputDelete a checklist categorydeleteCreate checkspostUpdate a checkputDelete a checkdeleteCreate remarkspostUpdate a remarkputDelete a remarkdeleteUpload a project photopostAPI EndpointsGetting Started With Your APIPowered by Delete a remarkdelete https://app3.archisnapper.com/api/public/v1/remarksThis part of the API lets you manage your checklists